Sunday 12 March 2017

The 4 C's

Here's a video I found interesting on how to be a great team member!

The 4 C's of a Great Team Member

Commitment - In order to be a great team member you must be committed to the team you are in. Without commitment there is nothing stopping you from leaving one team to go to the next. Commitment shows a level of loyalty towards helping your team members achieve the goal of the team. When you are committed to something you are willing to do what it takes to see it succeed. 

Communication - As with any relationship, communication is key. When working with other team members always remember to communicate! Having an open flow of communication is key in any successful team. Sharing thoughts and ideas between members builds trust. It is important to talk with your team members about all things - good or bad, big or small, positive or negative, so that you can solve issues immediately as they arise. 

Cooperation - In order to have a successful team, all members must be willing to cooperate. This is because the success of the team member is interdependent on the efforts of all members, not just a one or a few. The greater the cooperation of the team, the better they will get along and strive for the best together.

Contribution - You can't have a successful team based on just one person's effort. As they say, there's no "I" in team. Team members should not be left to pick up the slack of weaker team members. Everyone must be willing to contribute equally towards the team's efforts. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair that some members are putting in more effort than others. 

Sanborn, M [Mark Sanborn]. (2011, May 18). 4 C's of a great team member [Video file]. Retrieved from

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