Saturday 11 March 2017


What is Teamwork?
Teamwork is the process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a common goal (BusinessDictionary, 2017).

Working in a team allows people the chance to come together to accomplish more than they can accomplish by themselves. One of the benefits of working in a team is that you can generate more ideas brainstorming as a team versus brainstorming alone. You can achieve higher results and greater success when the team is able to work well together. 

Two heads are better than one!

Advantages of a Team
Although some people prefer working on their own, there are many advantages to working in a team. For one thing, you can accomplish so much more working with others than you can on your own. When the workload is shared, it takes less time to finish which leads to higher productivity. Another advantage to being in a team is that their is shared responsibility. The success or failures of the team are a group effort and not just one person's fame or fault. Also, when working in a team there are more ideas being shared and higher productivity than working alone. For example, it might take 1 person 10 minutes to think of 50 characteristics of a successful team, whereas as team of 5 people can work together to come up with the same list in less time.

Teamwork. Retrieved from

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