Sunday 12 March 2017

How to Keep Everyone Happy

Creating a successful team isn't easy, neither is maintaining one. There are all sorts of idea and personality clashes that you have to deal with. However don't let this turn you away from working in teams. Keeping everyone happy can be done if dealt with appropriately. Here are some tips on how to keep your team members happy:
  • One very simple way to keep team members happy is to recognize everyone for their efforts. Everyone likes to feel appreciated for their work, so giving others a bit of recognition to show that their efforts aren't going unnoticed is a great start to keeping them happy.
  • Another very important way to keep your team members happy is to build relationships within your team. Creating a trusting bond between each other will ensure that your team would want to stick together and help each other succeed.
  • Try to keep your team members engaged by learning new things together. Keeping the energy fun and alive will help keep your team strong!
  • Encourage everyone to share ideas. Everyone likes to be heard so having an open ear to listen and respond appropriately can make your team members feel important.
  • It is important to build the confidence of all team members and make sure everyone feels comfortable in the team. 

A team that is happy together stays together!

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